Tuesday, March 29, 2016

What is a Brand & Why Do I Need One?

Branding. If you are building a business or organization then no doubt you have heard this buzz word. Entrepreneurs and business coaches throw around the phrase “build your brand” a lot – but you might not be entirely sure what it means or why it is so crucial. If you fall into this not-so-sure category then keep reading because today I’m going to break down exactly what a brand is and the reasoning behind why you absolutely need one.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

6 Life Changing Steps: Find Your Passion & Make It Your Career

Ever wonder how people take doing what they love and turn it into a career? Do you think this is only meant for the rich, the lucky or the insanely talented? The truth is, turning your passion into a career is like most of the steps you've taken in life - it's not more difficult, it's just different. Got a burning desire to stop working on someone else's dream and start building your own? Then keep reading my friend because these 6 Steps could not only change your mind, they just might change your life.